Closet Full of Clothes, Nothing To Wear?
Jun 03, 2024
In the 12 years that I have been a NYC Wardrobe Consultant, I have facilitated hundreds of wardrobe edits and have seen pretty much everything (and I mean, everything) when it comes to dysregulated purchasing.
Today, I want to shine some light on one of the more costly challenges I encounter when onboarding new clients - which I like to refer to as ”Closet Full of Clothes, Nothing to Wear” syndrome.
CFOCNTW is a super common - and often super expensive - wardrobe dynamic that can creep in quickly if you aren't purchasing with intention.
What is worse, no amount of “retail therapy” can alleviate the symptoms of CFOCNTW, because "retail therapy" is often the instigator. This can be incredibly frustrating because the very time, money and energy you are spending to solve the problem becomes fuel for the fire.
In the spirit of Aligned Style Confessions: Reveal to Heal, let’s name it so we can tame it. The truth of the matter is... “Closet Full of Clothes, Nothing to Wear" has never been about the clothes. After all, your closet is filled to the brim with clothing and yet you still feel uninspired, underwhelmed and underrepresented.
This is an internal conflict of interest between your soul and your ego - which is fabulous news - because you have the power to course correct and build a wardrobe that represents your fullest expression of self.
The “Closet Full of Clothes, Nothing to Wear” conundrum is about lack of connection, and the solution is found in:
Connection to Intuitive Style via intuitive guidance
Connection to Soul-Aligned desires via inner wisdom
Connection to Conscious Wardrobe Creation via nervous system regulation
When your connection is strong, you make conscious purchasing decisions that LIGHT YOU UP, Authentic Style Expression thrives and your experience of your wardrobe is a full-body yes sartorial celebration. A proverbial closet full of clothes with endless possibility.
When your connection is weak, your purchasing choices are driven by outside influences, your authentic personal style is diluted and your closet reflects these misaligned choices. You buy more "stuff", but none of it feels like YOU, so you buy more and more and more and feel less and less and less connected. And the CFOCNTW saga continues.
Sound familiar?
Maybe you are hearing static in your transmission because the white noise of consumer messaging is distracting you and you are buying into what lights other people up.
Maybe the interference is the seemingly inescapable chatter from your inner critic and you are impulse purchasing to fill a void in self-worth .
Maybe you feel like you don’t even know what lights you up, are intimidated by fashion, and it all feels too daunting a hill to climb.
Well, Queen, I am here to tell you... there is hope. At the Aligned Style Collective®, one of our mottos is “Excavate the Clutter to Alchemize the Magic”.
Whether it is a wardrobe edit, a self-limiting belief edit, or a magical combination of the two, we have strategies to support you in connecting to your intuition to live your best life. It gets to be easy and it gets to be fun, and the ASC is here to champion you on your journey.
If you are ready to harness the power of your intuition and let your inner wisdom guide you into SOUL-ALIGNED conscious wardrobe creation, shoot me an email, I’d love to connect.
[email protected]
We will never sell your information, for any reason, ever :)